Somic ZF


Occupational Health

Somic ZF Components Private Limited deals in design and manufacturing of Ball Joints, Cold forged and other chassis parts and is committed to demonstrate excellence in environmental & occupational health & safety performance on continual basis through:

Elimination of hazards to minimize occupational health & safety risks, negative environmental impacts from processes, activities, services and climate change associated with manufacturing of Ball joints, Cold forged Parts and other Chassis Parts.

Meeting or exceeding the compliance with legal and other requirements

Conservation of resources like oil, water, electrical energy, packing material and paper.

Provide safe and healthy working conditions and enhance awareness among employees to protect the environment including prevention of pollution and prevention of work related injury & ill health.

Enhance environmental and occupational safety awareness to our business associates, suppliers and contractors bring proactive, innovative and cost effective.

Consultation and participation of all employees including workers to continually improve environment and occupational health, & safety performance, establishing measurable objectives and strategic directions based on identified risks and opportunities associated with the context of the organization.